Statement Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19)
At present, the coronavirus determines the worldwide news situation. We are dealing with a highly dynamic situation that changes in very short periods of time.
MECON operates a location in Germany. We observe the developments around the further spreading of the coronavirus very carefully. For this purpose, we are in contact with the Federal Ministry of Health and the Public Health Office in order to be close to the latest findings and recommendations. In addition, we also include the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute Berlin in our considerations regarding necessary measures.
The top priority in all activities relating to the coronavirus is the protection of our employees and the fulfilment of contracts with our customers.
The aim of our operational precautions is to maintain our operations. To this end, there is close coordination between all specialist departments in order to regulate issues such as the behaviour of holiday returnees and dealing with risk groups in a uniform manner. In addition to the ongoing sensitization of employees, concrete hygiene measures and behavioural recommendations, our measures also include the compilation of reputable sources of information to ensure that the news situation is kept up to date.
In addition, we have taken measures that make it possible for some areas to temporarily work completely from home.
In addition, we are in close contact with our suppliers to ensure that our business relationships continue to run smoothly for our customers.
We are also currently benefiting from the greater stockpiling of components and parts at our plant and from our long-term partners. Due to the high dynamics of the virus spread and unforeseeable effects, a medium to long-term assessment is not possible for us in all seriousness.
This statement is reviewed daily and updated if necessary.
Last update: 13th March 2020